Actual Practice
In the 1990’s my partner and I started a group studio in an old warehouse in New Bedford, MA, USA. We had woodworking, welding, painting and other capabilities.That was a great time in my life. Our work and social lives completely revolved around the studio and the other artists in the building.
I made some work with an experimental plaster material cast between formed and welded steel rods in preparation for my first solo exhibition in Philadelphia, PA, USA in 1995. Inspired by a sculpture student who left a shopping cart filled with plaster outside the wood shop door, this series transformed 2 very cold materials into a warm package by virtue of the coincidental rusting that occurred at the interface between the two materials.
Heady times, all about The Work! I won a national Fellowship for this work from the National Endowment for the Arts for this series. Please contact me for more information!